Google-calendar – Share multiple Google Calendars without embedding them manually


I am trying to share multiple calendars (school, work, etc) with a friend. I would just like to link them to a single page containing all of the calendars combined since the person with whom I am sharing this with does not use Google Calendar. I see you can set up a HTML link to a single calendar, but is it possible to display several calendars at once?

Edit: It is possible to do so by editing the URL of the page, but then all the entries are the same color and it's hard to tell the difference between the calendars.

Best Answer

Click on the dropdown box next to a calendar on the left side of google calendar. Click "calendar settings". Scroll down and select "Customize the color, size, and other options" in the section for "embed this calendar". Select the calendars you want to display and set the colors as you wish and change whatever other settings you want to. Then, copy the generated HTML and embed it into an html file wherever it is you want to provide this page. If you don't have your own hosting, then you can just extract the iframe's source link from the generated HTML and just point your friend there.