Google-calendar – Show calendars that are shared with the Google account in third-party calendars (iCal, Fantastical)

I have a somewhat niche question. My work uses Exchange, so I use Fantastical on mobile and Apple Calendar/iCal on my Mac to display both my work calendar (in Exchange) and my personal Google Calendar.

I have two calendars in my Google Calendar that were shared with my Google Calendar account by their owner (both are also Google Calendar). I also have a variety of subscribed public calendars. For some reason, when I add a Google account both to iCal and Fantastical, I see my subscribed public calendars but not the private calendars.

I also went to see if I could manually add the .ical, but I don't see a link for the .ical in the Google Calendar web interface.

I suppose I could ask the calendar owner to share their Google Calendar with my work account, but it seems like there should be another way? Given that it's been shared with my Google Calendar account and that I have logged into Google Calendar.

Best Answer

You can modify which "subscribed calendars" like this you wish to appear through the Google Calendar API (and thus appear in apps like Fantastical) by visiting Google Calendar's "syncselect" page. This is mentioned specifically in Fantastical's Settings pane:

enter image description here

As mentioned there, you can visit:

... and any shared calendars you select at the bottom of that page, will then show up as calendars you can show/hide inside Fantastical itself. (This may take a second to synchronize; consider rebooting Fantastical.)