Google Calendar – Remove the Tasks Calendar


A "Tasks" calendar appears in my list of "My Calendars" in Google Calendar. It's only a minor irritation, but I have a small screen, I don't want it and never plan to use the Task list. Can I stop it appearing or remove it? When I look at the Settings page for my Google Calendar account, it appears that it cannot be deleted.

Best Answer

I recently set up the following Stylish script as a very hackish workaround for this:

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {

  .calListChip[title='Tasks'] {
    display: none;

  #calcontent.eui-t .calListRow {
    height: unset;
    line-height: unset;
    max-height: 19px;

  .calListRow {
    height: unset;


The CSS selects the div containing the content for the Tasks entry and sets it to not display. It also sets the divs which allocate space for calendar entries to use max-height rather than height to determine their size, which in turn allows these divs to collapse if they contain no rendered content (such as in the case of the Tasks calendar entry).

This CSS will not get rid of the 1 pixel white border at the bottom of the Tasks entry. If the background of your calendar listing is white, this will be unnoticeable, but if the background of that section is a color other than white, you will have a double thickness border where the Tasks entry used to be.

If you wish to remove the Birthdays calendar as well, add the following code block to the indented section of the Stylish script:

  .calListChip[title='Birthdays'] {
    display: none;