Google Calendar – How to Search for Events with Equals-Sign


I have events called "=====" (5 equals sign) in Google Calendar. I use it to mark stuff that I want to remember.

But I can't search through these events. If I use the Search function in Google Calendar, I think = is treated as a special thing and well basically, it fails to search for those events called "=====".

Is there a way to search for events with a equals-sign in Google Calendar?

Best Answer

I don't understand why you want to use a non-word description - if you don't want to reveal to others viewing the calendar what it actually is, you could still use something vague/generic like "rem" or "xxxxx" which would both be searchable.

However, if you really don't want that, whilst searching for equals doesn't seem to work, what you can do is use underscore instead.

I just created an event called _____ (five underscores) and I was able to search for it using "_____".

(It must be quoted to work - unquoted doesn't work.)