Google-calendar – way to show Google Calendar events in local time

calendargoogle-calendartime zone

AFAICT, in Google Calendar, a calendar has a time zone and an event has a time zone. So you can enter an event and specify that it takes place at, say, 12:00 Eastern Time. If your calendar is also set to Eastern Time, the event will display at 12:00, but if the calendar is in Pacific Time, it will display at 9:00. So far so good.

But, now I'm planning a tour that will go across time zones, and I want to be able to display events in local time, for example: I and my calendar are in Eastern time. I plan an event in Los Angeles that will take place at 12:00 in Los Angeles. I create the event for 12:00 and specify Pacific time for the event.

The problem is: when I view this event in my calendar, it's at 3:00. This is correct in the sense of indicating when the event will be happening relative to New York time, but I would much rather see it relative to the local time in LA. Is there a way to do this?

Best Answer

One option is to change your calendar's time zone while you are in the other time zone. I don't really like that option, but I discovered that you can add additional time zones to your calendar's display. Go to the calendar settings, and right below the time zone you can select an additional time zone to display.
