Google-chrome – Google Chrome bookmarks or Google Bookmarks


I'm using various Google services, one of them being Google Bookmarks.

I have a lot of bookmarks saved. They were created long time ago, when I found that it was cool to have a browser-independent service to store all my bookmarks.

But now I'm using Google Chrome as my browser and have started to use its bookmarks feature. This is a cloud service which synchronises all my bookmarks and makes them accessible every time I sign in to Chrome—so it is machine-independent. And it has folders, and tools for search and export.

Does this mean that the Google Bookmarks service has become useless? Or is there some feature of Google Bookmarks that Chrome does not provide?

Best Answer

In addition to @asif-mistry's answer, the two are different feature-wise :

  • tags v folder
    Google Bookmarks use tags, meaning that a SINGLE bookmark can be tagged with multiple tags. Chrome Bookmarks uses folder, a bookmark can only exist in a single folder when you add it to bookmark (you can copy it manually in Bookmark Manager though)
  • bookmark description
    you can add description/note to Google Bookmarks but not Chrome Bookmarks
    Google Bookmarks has an REST API (though it is reverse engineered), so we can develop your webapp/other browser extension around it
    You can only access Chrome Bookmarks within the context of Google Chrome Browser