Google Chrome – How to Bypass a Website’s Print Version


I'm trying to save a PDF of a page from the website. When I open the print dialogue (in Safari and Chrome) the page loses all its formatting to become a stripped back printable version. I can see the benefit of this, however I'm wondering how to bypass this feature as I want to save a PDF of the entire page as it appears on the site.

Here is an example article (randomly selected from the home page)

Is there a line of code I can delete from the page (using Chromes Dev Tool) that will let me print the full page?

Best Answer

Most likely there will be a line like this in the head tag:

<link ... media="print" ... />

Just remove it through the Chrome Inspector by right clicking it and deleting it. If that does not fix it, there is most likely another one. The problem with doing this however is that sometimes it still will not render as the other ones are most likely media="screen" which are hidden on print.

Keep in mind the fact that comments are no longer hidden and therefore you can end up with >100 pages sometimes.

With this particular website, there is a print CSS, however all the other ones are media="screen" and you would need to go through and change all those to remove that attribute. (A bit pain in the @$$):

the print stylesheet

You mention you are using Chrome, so I would use the Webpage Screenshot extension and print the image as a draft (so it doesn't do photo quality).