Google-chrome – Navigation missing in Google Analytics when using Chrome

google analyticsgoogle-chrome

When I use the Chrome web browser, I can't see all the report in Google Analytics because it is missing the left hand navigation column. In Firefox, I can collapse this column, and then re-open it by clicking on the far left of the screen. That doesn't work in Chrome. I can't figure out how to get it back in Chrome. Has anybody run across this before or know what I should do?

Screenshot in Chrome with missing left hand nav

Google analytics screenshot taken with Chrome having no left hand nav

Screenshot in Firefox with left hand nav

Google analytics screenshot taken with Firefox with functional left hand nav

Best Answer

Are you sure you didn't accidentally collapse the sidebar? It can be toggled off to get it out of the way. Move your cursor over near the left side of your browser window, and there should be a ~15px-wide bar that darkens in color. Click it to reveal the sidebar.

If it really isn't there, next make sure you don't have any addons installed that mess with Analytics in any way; it's possible something's broken. After that if you still have a problem, you might be running into an actual bug and should use the support channels.

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