Google-contacts – Birthdays without years in Google Contacts (2018 version) are out by 1 day


When viewing a Contact in the new (2018) Google Contacts in a browser on desktop, the birth date is out by 1 day (1 day early) when the birth date is entered without a year, eg. "13 July" shows as "12 July" when viewing the contact. When a year is entered then the date is viewed correctly. eg. "13 July 1980" shows as "13 July 1980".

However, editing the contact shows the correct date. But if I change/edit the date and "save", it then shows the date-less-1-day again when viewing the contact! eg. If I enter "1 July" when editing the contact, hit "save", the date appears as "30 June" when viewing the contact.

However, the correct date does appear in "other" places. For example:

  • The Google "Birthdays" Calendar reports the correct date (which is derived from the Google Contacts).
  • Reverting to the "old" Gmail Contacts shows the correct date when viewed.
  • The Android Contacts app shows the correct date.

This seems like a bug to me, but I can't find any other reports of similar problems?

Best Answer

Same problem here for (at least) one contact. When viewing the birth date it is one day earlier than when editing. Locale Netherlands. Date specified as 12 juni 1960 is viewed as 11 juni 1960 and also shown in google calendar on june 11th.

However I found out that on my samsung android 6 tablet an (birthday) event existed for this contact on the wrong date. After correcting this event the problem in Google Contacts (desktop browser) was solved. I am using the Samsung contacts app on the tablet, so maybe something goes wrong during sync.