Google Plus – How to Change Display Names of Friends


Some friends chose weird nicknames that I can't relate to them and I can't recognize them in the Chat list. I went to "Contacts" in my Google account ( and I changed their display name, but that only had an effect for the chat list in Gmail, not in Google+. (Weird that they don't display the same).

How can I fix this?

Best Answer

It may sound Weird to you, but yes, they don't display the same names in GMail, Google+ and Orkut.

The name Displayed in GMail and Google Talk will always be the same.

This is a Screenshot of one of my Contact Details in my GMail account:

enter image description here

You can change their name in your Google Contacts - this change will reflect on your Google Contact List, GMail Integrated Chat, Google Talk and e-mails you receive from the particular individual.

But you cannot change their name in Google+ Profile, it's completely their choice - this will be reflected in their Google+ Profiles, Google+ integrated chat and hangouts, notification e-mails you receive through Google+ related to the particular individual.

The same applies for Orkut (not that anybody cares about it).