Google Contacts – Finding Creation Time of a Contact


Is there a way to find out when a particular contact in my Google Contacts addressbook got created?

Best Answer

This information is not traditionally exposed through the Google Contacts online interface. However! You can get access to "created" and "updates" dates and times using the Google Contacts API.

If you're not a developer, you can use the API Playground to visually walk you through making a request to the Google Contacts API to get the data you want.

  1. Go to API Playground, login to the Google account you want to fetch contact added/updated dates for, and select the dropdown for "Contacts v3", then select "Authorize APIs".

Go to API Playground and select the dropdown for "Contacts v3", then select "Authorize APIs"

  1. Click the "Exchange authorization code for tokens" button: Click the "Exchange authorization code for tokens" button

  2. Click "List possible authorizations" and select "List Contacts" Click "List possible authorizations" and select "List Contacts"

  3. Click "Send the request" and copy everything after the XML response (starting with <?xml version='1.0'...) Click "Send the request" and copy everything after the XML response (starting with <?xml version='1.0'...)

  4. Open up your favorite text editor and paste the contents in. You can now Find the dates inside of the XML file.