Google-contacts – How to change the order of email-addresses in Google Contacts


I have many contacts in Google Contacts with more than one email address, and I'd prefer to order them in a certain manner. Short of copy and pasting all of them, is there a drag-and-drop feature of some sort to change the list of contacts?

Best Answer

There is no such thing yet, but in order to speed up the process you can do the following.

For example if you have 5 e-mails for one contact.

  1. Add 5 new empty e-mail fields
  2. Click on the first e-mail and then press Ctrl+A to select all and Ctrl+X to cut the selection
  3. Click on the first empty field and Ctrl+V to paste
  4. Continue with the rest
  5. Don't delete the empty fields, they will be removed automatically once you hit the save button

(If you are on a mac use Cmd instead of Ctrl)