Google-docs – Cannot get rid of some space/margins

formattinggoogle docsgoogle-appstext formatting

I'm working on my resume in Google Docs (Word processing) and I'm trying to add my name + personal information at the top, but I'm seeing a line of space above it.

As you can see, I'm trying to get the job done using tables (will be whiting the table borders afterwards). I got it to look how I want using headers, but I heard that some ATS (applicant tracking systems) omit the information in headers so I'm trying to recreate the look all in the body.

I looked everywhere in Google Docs on deleting the space/margin at the top but I can't figure it out.


Best Answer

Use the document header to add the content that you want to be included at the top of the page.

The above because paragraph should be included above and below a table. The same occurs with other elements like images.

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