Google-docs – format the Google Docs Table of Contents to only include certain headers

google docs

I would like to have the Table of Contents only include Heading 1 and not any of the others. Is there a way to set the table to contents to NOT include certain headings?

Best Answer

Unfortunately Google Docs does not support hiding specific heading levels.

The only "solution" would be to change the headers you want to hide to the "Normal" style, then manually set the font formatting for each heading.

The only way to avoid all headings from being added to the TOC is to manually apply the style you want rather than using the set styles. Change those headers to "Normal" style by select each one individually and pressing Ctrl + \ (Control plus the backslash key). This will remove the formatting. Then manually add the point size, font, and bolding that you want.

To easily copy formatting from one place to another, you can use the Paint Tool. So once you manually change one heading, you can use the Paint Tool to change others that are the same level heading.

- Source: Google Docs Forums: How to show only Heading 1 in table of contents