Google-docs – Google docs get PDF without page breaks

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Is there a way to make Google docs put all content in a PDF without splitting it into pages? I understand that sticking to a certain page size is important for printing, but for the PDF I'm making it's not necessary, and even distracting.

Best Answer

Google Docs conversion is usually more permissive than it's own menu's would suggest. Have Libre-Office spit out 3m (its' max) tall pages and convert. MS Word will not go beyond 22 inches. Here is the converted result template. Maybe if you tweak the internal structure of the ODT file (unzip the odt, edit the style.xml, edit pagesize, rezip) you might be able to stretch this even further.

As you mentioned and probably understand PDF is a Printer Definition file. This is more a PDF question (or a word processor question) than a Google Docs question. The disclaimers I would like to add... No wordprocessor should allow for what you are asking. PDF's are page based. Continuous scrolling (no on-screen pagebreaks) is and should be a viewer setting. But hey, because you shouldn't doesn't mean you couldn't. Right? Maybe you can change paper sizes in a PDF editor, like Acrobat.