Google Docs – Keyboard Shortcut for Up and Down Arrow

google docskeyboard shortcuts

Google Docs has keyboard shortcuts for right arrow (→) as well as left arrow (←). I was wondering is there any keyboard shortcut for up (↑) and down (↓) arrows. I found that I could press Ctrl+/ for a list of shortcuts, but to my surprise I did not see the up and down arrow not mentioned there.

Please share if someone knows the shortcut or any method to assign some shortcut to the above keys.

Best Answer

If your computer has a number pad, you could use an Alt Code shortcut. Here's a list of relevant alt codes via Useful Shortcuts.

  • ↑: Alt+24
  • ↓: Alt+25
  • →: Alt+26
  • ←: Alt+27

How To Use Alt Code Characters

  1. Make sure that you switch on the Number Lock on your keyboard.
  2. Hold down the ALT key (left alt key).
  3. And type the number of which alt code you want to get.