Google Docs – How to Create a New Paragraph Within a List Item

google docs

I am maintaining a Google docs document that contains questions and answers for programming tests in our university. It's public, so you can see it.

The problem I have is that every item is a list item.

  1. Question 1
    Answer 1
  2. Question 2
    Answer 2

I can add line breaks with Shift+Enter, but that's not a paragraph. This now became REALLY annoying because the Code Pretty plugin apparently cannot format only selected code, but formats whole paragraph. That, of course, includes question and answer text.

I'd like to make indented paragraphs for code within each answer (if it contains code). How to do that?

Should look like this, but what you see is a mess of newlines and tabs:

image description

Best Answer

Ok, I found a hack to do this. Press enter to create new list item and then create a third one:

image description

The third item prevents you from being unable to continue the list later on. Now press tab to indent the second item:

image description

And finally, press back space to "delete" the indented item. It will become a paragraph:

image description

It prevents you from continuing the list though.