Google Docs – How to Make Links Clickable in Comments

google docs

In markdown you can make a link clickable using a certain syntax (you have GUI options that automated that or you can follow the syntax).

This is great as it hides the ugliness of long urls behind a user friendly name.

My question is: how can we do this in Google Docs comments? If that's not possible, is there a way to provide a relative link in Google Docs to the header (as opposed to showing the whole link)?


enter image description here

Best Answer

Short answer

Insert a full URL instead of just the fragment, like #heading=h.kue93nkjalic


Google Comments automatically convert inserted full URL to links but it doesn't do the same for anchors. Google Comments use the same formatting than Google+ posts.

  • *bold*
  • _italic_
  • -strikethrough-
  • @name or +name to mention an user

There is no formatting option for URLs, so is you would like to avoid long URLs you should use a URL shortener.
