Google Docs – How to Open a Webpage in Google Docs

google docshtmlimport

I would like to open this page (with its images) from a URL and edit a copy in Google Docs. The URL does not require authentication. How do I do this?

  • Saving it creates an HTML file plus a folder, which cannot be uploaded as such to Google Docs
  • Saving it as mhtml bundles all files, bu this cannot be read by Google Docs. I tried some online mhtml converters but they loose the images.
  • LibreOffice cannot directly open a URL. It can open the HTML from the disk, with the images, but this cannot be saved as ODT, DOCX, or some other format that could be read into Google Docs, just as HTML.
  • Copy-Paste of the whole file to Google Docs or LibreOffice loses the imagtes

Best Answer

Try Save to Google Drive Chrome extension. More details in Save web content to Google Drive

NOTE: The above extension works with the page referred by the OP.

From the corresponding Chrome Store listing (emphasis mine)

This extension allow you to save web content directly to Google Drive through a browser action or context menu. You can save documents, images, and HTML5 audio and video all by right clicking and selecting 'Save to Google Drive'. You can save the currently viewed page using the 'Save to Google Drive' browser action. The directory location and format of saved HTML pages can be controlled with the extension's options page (Choice of Entire image (default), Visible image, Raw HTML, MHTML, or Google Doc). You can automatically convert Microsoft Office files or comma separated files to Google Docs format.

NOTES: Bear in mind that Google Docs is primarily a text processor for documents to be printed so it doesn't support several things that can be done in webpages like using web browser plugins like Shockwave, Flash, Silverlight among others plugins and features.