Google-docs – How to remove the template chooser from Google Docs

google docs

At the top of Google Docs, there is a big banner labeled “Template Chooser” that fills half my laptop screen with templates and encouragements to create new documents. I have more than enough documents. How do I get rid of it so I can focus on the documents I have? I don’t need this new on-boarding experience.

Best Answer

Short answer

At this time the template banner can't be turned off. To find your documents just scroll down.

Note: Templates are only available in English.

Long answer

This feature was announced at the beginning of the 2015's northern school year1. The first thread on the Google Docs Help Forum about this was started on September 2 (CST)2.

Submit your feedback to the Google Docs team through the Menu button straight from the Docs, Sheets or Slides web apps, then click on Help & feedback and fill up the feedback form.
