Google-docs – How to replace a paragraph break (i.e. Enter) with a Shift+Enter character in Google Docs

google docsregex

That is, what regexes do I place in these two boxes
enter image description here

I have read Syntax for Unicode characters in regexes in Google Sheets? to no avail.

I found from one answer that [\n] matches paragraph mark. Now all I need is the character for Shift+Enter.

Best Answer

Try [^\S\n\t ]

  • \S matches any non-white character
  • \n matches a paragraph mark
  • \t matches a tab
  •  matches a white space
  • [^] means not so [^\S\n\t ] matches any character that is not non-white character, is not a paragraph mark, is not a tab character and is not any a blank space.
