Google Web Apps – How to Use Shortcuts Conflicting with macOS

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When using Google Docs on macOS, the shortcut that Google has for adding a comment seems to be ⌘⎇M, which happens to be the same system-wide shortcut for minimizing all of the windows of a particular application. Consequently, when using that shortcut, instead of a comment being added, all the browser windows get minimized.

Is there a way to add a comment via a shortcut on macOS?

How do I use shortcuts like these which conflict with, and are overridden by macOS shortcuts?

Best Answer

Finally found out how to do it: the option which you are looking for is Override browser shortcuts.

Go to Help and search for and enable the following option:

Override browser shortcuts

This option can also be toggled by going to the shortcuts screen. There will be a switch for it on the bottom.