Google-docs – Inside the Google Document, can I put a link to a chapter of a second document

google docs

I can create an internal link (within the same document) easily and just reference previously defined Headings.

Can I do the same cross-document?

This means: can I create a link to another document's Heading?

Best Answer

There is advice at Digital Inspiration from Amit Agarwal (May 28, 2013):

It is easy to create links that point to any specific paragraph in a long Google Document. Just scroll to that paragraph and put your cursor in the beginning of that paragraph. Now select the Bookmark option from the Insert menu. Google will add a little ribbon to that paragraph – click the ribbon and then click “Link.”

The full hyperlink to that paragraph can now be copied from your browser’s address bar and it will look something like this:<strong>#heading=h.1icy486iph1x</strong>

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