Google Docs – Start Numbering Pages from One on the First Page

google docs

I feel incredibly stupid, but I just can't seem to figure this out …
I want Google Docs to number my pages 1/n, 2/n, …, n/n, starting with the very first.

So I add page numbers to my header. They aren't displayed on the first page, so I untick "different first page", and true enough, the page number shows up …

EXCEPT, the first page is numbered 0 for no reason whatsoever.
So instead of 1/n, 2/nn/n, I get 0/n, 1/n, … n-1 /n, making it look as if there was a page missing.

And that happens EVEN WHEN I choose to not display page numbers on my first page. Whatever genius decided that was an appropriate default setting?!

Can't seem to find any setting where I could set the page numbers to start from 1. So how do I get page numbers to start from 1 as they should?

Best Answer

There are two options for page number for the header, and the footer. One of these options starts at 1, and shows up on the first page. One of these starts at 0 and hides it, showing 1 on the second page. In the insert header and page number, select the option that shows 1, 2, instead of the one that shows nothing, 1.