Google-docs – Strange spacing issue in Google Document

google docs

I found this nice clean CV Google Docs template here.

I would like to replace the name by a 2-column table that includes a name.

The problem is, that I cannot remove the space above or below the table. This is the space that I would like to allocate for the table:

enter image description here

Here is a link to the document with the table.

Here is a video how I failed to increase the table size. I also found some invisible lines, not sure how they effect the document.

Any suggestions how to increse the table size to the red borders?

Best Answer

The problem you're experiencing is the same as described here.

Everything in that document is contained in a big table. You can't see the table, because the table has a border of zero and a border color of white. If you try to create another table inside this one it adds space to the top and bottom of the cell of the big table.

This is my edit of your document.

I used the solution suggested in the post I linked. I created an extra column and merged where there should only be 1 column. The table still has a border of zero and border color of white except for the 2 columns you wanted to include. I selected those cells and gave them a black border with a border width of 1.