Google-docs – Table of contents has one page wrong

google docs

I have a large (92) page document in Google Docs. The entire document (including the table of contents) has page numbers. The Table of Contents is showing the first heading (letter of intent) as to be on page 7. This letter of intent is on page 8. The rest of the Table of Contents shows the correct page numbers. I've tried renumbering the entire document and then updated the TOC but this does not help. How can I correct this?

Best Answer

The table of contents is generated based on styles applied to paragraph. A paragraph could be extend beyond one page, unfortunately Google Docs hasn't a built-in tool to show hidden characters like paragraph marks, anyway there are some "tricks" that could help to solve this problem.

Trick one:

  1. Place the insertion cursor to the left of the heading.
  2. Press ⬅ (left arrow key) to move the insertion cursor to the left. This should move the insertion cursor to the previos page.
  3. Change the style to Normal or another that isn't a heading style.

Trick Two:

  1. Place the insertion cursor to the left of the heading.
  2. Press ⬅ (left arrow key) to move the insertion cursor to the left. This should move the insertion cursor to the previos page.
  3. Insert a page break.
  4. This could add some space before the heading. Make the required changes to make your document look that you want without deleting the page break.