Google Docs: Unicode symbols not in default Windows fonts garbled


When using a symbol such as unicode elment of ∈, subset of ⊆, etc., which does not appear in standard windows fonts the PPT exported file contains blank squares instead of the font.
I expected the importer to automatically replace the character with an equivalent font from the windows "Symbol" fonts, so that the presentation will be viewable. In fact this is exactly what I did, by hand.

Any better workaround for that than replacing badly displayed symbols by hand?

Best Answer

The problem here is not google-docs export of the file, it's the fonts Power Point is using to display the file. A "blank box" like you describe is the standard windows response when the font it's asked to use doesn't have the character you asked it to render. Some apps will detect that and automatically switch fonts to one that does, I'm pretty sure Power Point is not one of them. I've seen similar behavior in the past and just taking the same .ppt file to a different system that had better fonts installed, or a different application that did a better job of picking a font solved it.