Google Docs – File Format and Coding Standards

google docshtml

So if Microsoft Word uses .docx (formerly .doc), what 'format' is a Google document in?

How does it all work?

Does it just use the HTML standard to make up the document on the page you're working on? (And if so what HTML revision is it using – at least currently?)

Best Answer

Google uses a proprietary format called “kix”, which was introduced with the then new editor a few years ago. The basic structure of a kix file isn't comparable to structured markup (like docx which is basically a zipped collection of XML files holding content and styles) but rather like a data file which starts with the textual content followed by styling information delimited by ASCII control codes.

What you see in your editor is the HTML-rendered content provided by the underlying JavaScript. If you want to work with the document in another application you are able to access the files via the Google Drive API, as John already pointed you to. Although it’s technically possible yet undocumented to export the kix file, this is due to the proprietary format of not so much use.