Google Drive and Slack – Add Shared File Without Downloading


There is a Drive app for Slack that seems able to let me share Drive docs on Slack but not, as far as I can tell, the converse. Our customer likes to share files on Slack, which we then download and add to our GDrive for safe-keeping.

Is there any way from Slack I can send the file directly to GDrive

Best Answer

I am not aware of any existing Slack apps that automatically sends all files uploaded on Slack to a Google Drive. But you could easily create your own Slack app for that.

The basic functional outline would be:

  1. Listen to message events of a channel with Slack's Events API
  2. Detect a file upload
  3. Download the file to your local server storage
  4. Upload the file to your Google Drive account via Google's API
  5. Delete the file from your server storage
  6. Optionally: Send a notification to someone about the upload of another file