Google-drive – Are contents in the Google Drive indexed for searching


I am applying for graduate admissions this year and one of my publication is in stage in publication with the journal.

I have uploaded the paper on Google Drive and I am planning to provide the link to the paper in my CV using the Google Drive option "Anyone with the link".

Now, my question is, will my document/paper (which is in PDF) get indexed for searching?

If it does, then it might cause plagiarism issues with the process of publication.

Your opinion is highly appreciated!

Best Answer

Your document will be indexed if the link is put on a web page, or if you tell the Google Search Console about a website where it's placed. The Google crawlers move amongst websites on the surface web, so if your file is not put on an existing web page on the surface web, it will not be indexed.

Note that many web pages are in the deep web, for example by them being listed in the robots.txt file on a website server—these pages are not indexed. Other pages in the deep web include those where log-in access is required, such as a "friends-only" Facebook post. A public Facebook or Twitter post is in the surface-level web.

In most cases, Google Drive links are not put on web pages, so that is why most public Google Drive files are not indexed.