Google-drive – Can you see who downloaded your music files in Google Drive


I have some music promos I am sending to friends and other musicians. Is there a way to see who has downloaded my files?

This will be good to know who has them and who was not interested.

Best Answer

Yes and no. For basic users, no you cannot see who accessed data on your Google Drive account. But if you upgrade to a Google Apps Unlimited or Google Apps for Education account you will have access to the “Drive audit log.” As explained here:

The Drive audit log lists every time your domain's users view, create, preview, print, update, delete, download, or share Drive content. This includes content you create in Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and other Google Apps, as well as content created elsewhere that you upload to Drive, such as PDFs and Word files.

To access the Drive audit log, sign in to your Admin console and click Reports > Audit > Drive. The page displays the following information:

  • Event Description—A summary of the event, such as "Larry created an item."
  • User—The user who performed the activity.
  • Date—The date the event occurred (displayed in your domain's default timezone).
  • Event Name—The action the user performed, such as View, Create, or Edit.
  • IP Address—The IP address from where the user performed the activity.
  • File Type—The type of Drive file the activity involves. Owner—The user who owns the file.