Google Drive – Craft URL to Create Google Doc in Specific Folder


After searching, the closest information I've found is this question. However, that answer covers just creating a Google Drive file, period. I would like to find out how to make that file get created in a specific folder.

Is this possible?

Best Answer

I watched what happens when Google Docs creates a new document in a folder. The browser briefly goes to a create url. To make the url, you need to know your folder's id. If you navigate to the folder in a browser, its id is at the end of the url:[string_of_characters_is_the_folder_id]

Copy the id, open a new browser tab, and paste the id onto the end of the create url, like so:[string_of_characters_is_the_folder_id]

Press Enter, and the browser will go to your new document created in the folder identified in the url.