Google-drive – Does a Google Drive shared folder occupy storage space on all accounts


Related to another question of mine about Dropbox, I'd like to know if a shared folder on Google Drive occupy space even in the accounts of the "receivers" and not only in the "sharer" one.


"A" creates a folder whose total size is, let's say, 200 MB; the total storage space of "A" is of course reduced by 200 MB; if "A" shares this folder with "B", "C" and "D", even their total storage space is reduced accordingly, or the folder is considered to be "owned" only by "A", and only his account is affected?

Best Answer

No, the file will only take up space in the owner's account.

Here are the file details from a file that was shared with me in Google Drive.

Shared file in Google Drive, as seen by the share recipient