Google-drive – Does deleting a file from Incoming folder in Google Drive delete the original file


I'm trying to clean my drive, and there are files that have been shared with me, that I don't want anymore. I select these files, then I remove them. But since they have been shared with me as editable items, I fear I am deleting the original file. That's not desirable at all. All I want is to remove my sharing state of those files, so that I don't see them anymore.

So, what is done behind the scenes? Does removing a file from Incoming folder only mean stop sharing, or does it delete the original file if you have the edit permission?

Best Answer

Yes, deleting a shared file will delete it from the the shared drive and ultimately the delete will propogate to all other synced devices.

You can just do an experiment: Delete a shared file that no one cares about and see what happens. Create a dummy file if you need to. Or just "undelete" the file from your trash bin (if you are syncing to a device that implements a trash bin concept) once you've run the experiment.

See also this post on the Google forums.