Google-drive – Does Google Docs Viewer only open documents (PDFs, .DOCs) that are upto a particular file size


I noticed that Google Docs Viewer could not open (the progress bar halts) some of my .DOC files that were over 12 MB while some documents which were in about 5MB opened fine. Is there a file size limit for documents that the Viewer can open?

On a related note, is there a way to see the file size in the file listing on the opening screen itself? If that was the case, I would rather not open very large files with Google Docs Viewer.

Update 25-Nov-19: I'm happy to inform that With Chrome v78 on Windows 10, I was able to view a 35MB PDF & a 72MB MP4 file through the native viewer. However it could not open a 327MB PDF (the largest I had) and strangely some other smaller MP4 files I had in Google Drive. Based on Rubén's observation that he could open a 94 MB pdf file, the current maximum size limit of PDF files that can be opened natively is somewhere between 90MB & 327MB. I'll keep testing to find the exact number.

The file sizes are now shown in the Google Drive interface

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