Google-drive – Easiest way to transfer Google data between accounts


Previously we had free accounts with Google for our Calendars, Contacts etc. We are now signed up as App Business and have new accounts. What is the easiest way to transfer:

  • Google Calendar
  • Google Contacts
  • Google Documents

information from the old account to the new account? I really don't want to have to recreate all my calendars or save all the Google docs locally and then upload them again to the new account.

Any pointers etc. greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Google Calendar

  1. You cannot transfer primary calendars to another user, so open your events and copy them to a new (or existing) secondary calendar. This will preserve invited guests. If you don't have guests on your events, or it's just historical events you could simply Export and re-import all of your calendars via .ical (export won't save the "guest" statuses like transferring will).
  2. If it is a secondary calendar (or if you just moved your upcoming events there), invite your other account to share the calendar, then unsubscribe the original owner from the calendar.

Google Contacts

Contacts makes it very easy to export data. Visit the main contacts page directly, or within Gmail. At the right near the top are links called Import, Export, and Print. Click the Import link to initiate the import process.

Source - Google Data Liberation for Contacts

Google Documents

Update: Aug'13: It is now possible to transfer Ownership of a Document in Google Drive.

The only way is to either upload the files again to the Google Apps account or share the files with the Google Apps email address of yours. You cannot transfer the Ownership of the files yet (if you have upgraded Google Docs to Google Drive)- this feature will be coming shortly. If you are still using Google Docs, the owner can be changed to the Google Apps Account.