Google-drive – Finding a Google Doc that was accessed through a link

google docsgoogle-drive

I found a useful Google Doc online, but I accidentally deleted the document from my Google Drive, and now I can't find it anywhere. The Doc doesn't show up in Trash, it doesn't show that I ever opened it in the Drive Activity Stream (the ⓘ in the upper right corner). Can I ask my G Suite admins (the Google Account was managed, eg:, to retrieve the document? I've already went through my browsing history, but no luck. How can I get the document back?

Additional details about the document:
It was not sent directly to me. (I found it on a website)
The owner of the Doc was not in our organization.
My privileges were not edit. Just view-only.

Best Answer

When you click on a link for a Google Doc that is shared with you (e.g. from a website), the Doc will appear in your "Shared with me" tab on the left-hand side.

Only if you add the Doc to your Drive, will it appear in My Drive. If you deleted it from My Drive, it will still be in "Shared with me". This may be the answer to your question.

If you "delete" the Doc from "Shared with me", it will be removed from that list (and, to state the obvious, the Doc will not be deleted from the owner's Drive). From the wording of your question, it seems that this is what you did, in which case I do not know of any way to retrieve the document that got lost, and your question deserves more attention.