Google-drive – Google Chrome doesn’t print to Google Drive. In the Gloogle Cloud Print I don’t have Google Drive


Instead of having "Save to Google Drive" like they say here:

in my Chrome 48.0.2564.82 m (64-bit) there isn't this link in my printers. Why not? I have to reset something in my browser, in my Drive, in my Cloud Print? I don't have "Google Drive printer" in my Google Cloud Print. Why?

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Best Answer

Short answer

According to david.king in this answer on Jan 27, 2016 in a thread to a similar question in the Chrome Help Product Forums the issue was resolved.


It looks that issue was related to the related Chrome version as several users in had the same problem. The issue was escalated and fixed a couple of days later. See the "full history" in Missing Save to Google Drive from print menu