Google-drive – Google Docs – Can I have other fonts such as Calibri, Cambria which are by default what Office 2007 uses


I write my documents using Office 2007 (both at home and at work). I upload it to Google Docs so that they are always available for me to edit/rework. The problem that I face is this –

In MS Word 2007, I have the fonts Cambria/Calibri which is what comes up by default (for headings/body respectively).

In Google Docs, we have neither. Is there a way, we can add fonts to Google Docs or preserve the fonts atleast?

Best Answer

No this is not possible. Google recently added more fonts to the list and they will continue adding I guess. They won't let you to upload your own fonts or using external ones (since the removed the ability to edit css/html), because there is going to be an issue if you are going to share the Document and your collaborators won't be able to view it properly. Also there is a privacy issue that might arise.