Google-drive – Google docs not sending notification


Does anyone know why I do not get a notification when someone changes the shared document? My Notification settings are set as below (* means it's set):

   Don't send me any email notifications for this doc (not recommended)
 * Enable email notifications for this document's threads

 * Notify me of all new comments and replies on this document
 * Notify me of replies to my comments
 * Notify me of replies to threads that I have commented on
 * Notify me when I am @ mentioned in a comment

Best Answer

Those settings are not for notifying you when the document changes. They are for notifying you when comments on the document change.

You can subscribe to changes in a spreadsheet (on the Tools menu), but you cannot (yet) subscribe to changes in a document.

There are add-ons that claim to provide this functionality but I have never used and cannot recommend any of them.