Google-drive – Google Docs sporadically disconnects and reconnects while editing

google docsgoogle-drive

Recently an issue has cropped up when editing in google docs. Normally when editing there's an indicator up top that shows when your work is in the process of being saved, and switches to "All changes saved in Drive" when it finishes. It's usually an instantaneous process up until a day ago when it's gotten stuck on the "saving" part and after about 10 seconds, a message box pops up saying "Trying to connect. To edit offline, turn on offline sync when you reconnect." and stays there for an upwards of 30 seconds before going away and allowing me to resume editing. I've researched it a ton and much to my frustration, everything I have found has had little to no effect. I'm at my wit's end so I'm willing to do whatever is necessary to resolve this issue at this point.

Additionally, it's not related to my internet, my internet has been fine and we haven't messed with it at all lately. The only lead I have is the google docs iPhone app, since around the same time this issue cropped up, I started using that app for the first time in a while. I tested a few things out with it, aiming to fix the issue but had no luck there.

Best Answer

It happened to me as well. I found that the IDM Chrome caused this by console debug (F12 in Chrome). I removed it and everthing is ok now. Will try to re-install IDM extension later.