Google Drive Out of Space Issue Despite Available Storage


I can't figure out how to solve this. GDrive says I'm out of space – WAY OUT OF SPACE. As in, 44.6GB out of 15GB used. This can only be because I had a ~40GB iPhoto Library that got backed up because it happened about a day after that backup started. My understanding was that those photos would not count towards my quota, but regardless I went ahead and deleted it, and all the photos it had backed up from my phone, and yes I emptied the trash days ago. But it still says I'm completely, massively out of space.

How can I get back to under 15GB as I was before this?

Best Answer

It's very likely that the photos are counting against your storage quota because, due to some reason, they were upload as "original quality" (or something like that) instead as "high quality"

If you have a free/consumer account you could check what app is using the storage quota in

NOTE: The above link only works for consumer accounts.