Google-drive – Google Drive thinks PDF is a video


I have some diploma/result PDF's in Google Drive, and for some reason Google Drive thinks some of them are videos (type: Flash) and won't preview them online.

Here is a screenshot of the Google Drive page:

screen shot

Also note the video icon on the left for some files, while others are correctly seen as PDFs. I can open all files just fine on my PC (with Adobe Acrobat and SumatraPDF).

Does anyone know why this happens? And how to fix it?

Edit: I tried to re-save the files using both Adobe Acrobat and SumatraPDF, as well as 'printing' them to a new pdf file (using Microsoft Print to PDF on Windows 10), however the problem still stays the same.
I've also send a bug-report to Google as suggested in one of the answers.

Best Answer

I don't know that there's anything that can be done.

Either whatever application created the PDF didn't get the headers in the file right, so that other apps can correctly determine the file type, or Google has a bug in its "file inspection determination" algorithm.

So the people who created the original files need to fix the headers in the file or Google needs to work on their algorithm so that it correctly identifies the files. (To that end, it would be good if you used the "Feedback" tool to report this issue to Google.)

Unfortunately, there's nothing that you can do to force Google Drive to see the file(s) at a particular type.

That PDF tools can read the file correctly doesn't surprise me, since they tend to be able to deal with slightly munged files a little better.