How to Hide ‘Shared with Me’ Documents in Google Drive


My problem is that I dont want have a "Shared with Me" folder cluttered with all the docs people shared with me. I prefer move those docs to specifics folders in my folder tree.

I did that and all is fine except that the docs beside be showed in the folder to which I moved them in, appear in the "Shared with Me" folder too. How can I hide the documents that others users shared with me from the "Shared with Me" folder after I moved them out?

Best Answer

Deleting the docs from the Shared with Me folder after move them to another folder in the folder tree don't remove the moved document too. Resuming... for me worked:

  1. Moving the doc in the Shared with Me folder to another folder.
  2. Delete the doc on the Shared with Me folder.
  3. Enjoy a not cluttered Shared with Me folder while having things shared with me organized in the folders that I want.

At the end, seem that the Move to... feature for items inside the Shared with Me folder don't work like it does in others folders, I mean, Move to... not move the folders/files but just copied them, that is why one can remove the source without delete the destination after a Move to... from the Shared with Me folder.