Google-drive – How does Google Drive handle a name conflict when you copy or move a file

google docsgoogle-driveonline-storage

If I is the web interface in Google Docs to copy MyFile.txt into a G Folder that already has MyFile.txt what happens in these scenarios?

  • The file contents are the same
  • The file contents are different and
    the destination is older


I have a bunch of files in Folder1 that I want to copy to Folder2 but there may be some duplicates, so I want to do it in the web interface b/c I think it'll update all the local copies faster than if I do it on a local copy, have the server update, and then have the 3 or so PCs update their local copies.

Best Answer

From a simple test, Gdrive just replaced both files.

So it would appear that Google Drive does not do any checking for duplicate filenames existing on the destination.