Google-drive – How to auto save Instagram images to Google Drive


Before June 1st, I have an IFTTT recipe to achieve my goal. However, due to some changes, IFTTT delete my recipe. So my question is how to auto save one's instagram (like into my Google Drive folder?

Let me be clear, before June 1st, IFTTT have following recipes:

  • IFTTT can save your liked photo into one Google Drive folder
  • IFTTT can auto save one account's update photo into Google Drive folder

and also the basic feature:

  • backup your self photo into Google Drive

However, after June 1st the first two recipes is deleted from IFTTT which is very useful. Sorry for the confusion.

Best Answer

Instagram changed their API and IFTTT can no longer support 'this' actions such as 'when I like a photo' or 'when I am tagged in a photo'.

It sucks right? No one likes when features are taken away. I hope we can find something soon that compares.