Google-drive – How to Cancel auto-saved editing on Google Docs


I am a member of some networking group. Over ten members share different documents and edit from their places. What I found confusing is once I pressed a button on my keyboard by mistake and later deleted it, but at the top of the document I saw a message that I edited it for the last modification, whereas I had not brought any change.

Other members may get confused at where I have modified. So, is there any way to cancel such an accidental editing by restoring the previous editing?

Best Answer

Google Documents changes are typically batched into groups. I'm not 100% sure what the criteria is, but small changes within the span of a few minutes should all be grouped together.

If you're looking for a way to see both if and how you've changed the document's history, then go to File > See revision history

You can also get there by using Ctrl + Alt + G

In this history just click on the entry that you want to view and click Restore this version

To see even more detailed revisions (not grouped by time) - then open the Revision history and click on Show more detailed revisions at the bottom of the menu.

*Edit: Based on the question in the title you might also be looking for a way to disable autosaving. There is no way to disable auto-saving, but based on another Webapps answer there is a clever workaround:

After you login to Google Docs and are looking at your list of documents, hover your mouse over the document in question. You should see an 'Actions' dropdown appear to the right. If you click on that you should be given the option to 'download' the file.

Now you can work on your document locally on your office computer and when you are done for the day just upload it back to Google Docs. :)