Google Docs – How to Change Your Nickname or Display Name

google docsgoogle-drive

How do I set a different display name to show on in the revision history of a Google Docs document?

When I look at the revision history of a shared document that I've edited, all my edits are showing up as having been done by the username on my Google login email, which I want to change.

How can I change the nickname or display name Google Docs uses to label my edits?

For example, if I log into Google as, all my revisions show up as having been performed by jd1234, when I really want my co-editors to see "John Doe."

I've already tried setting a nickname on my Google+ account, and that didn't work.

Best Answer

Note: it will take some time for the change to propagate. For me it took about 10 minutes, your mileage may vary.

Note2: I have tested this carefully, and this worked for me at the time this was written. However later on Google has made changes to Google Docs transitioning it to Google Drive. After this, the following anonymous comment has been received: "Google Account and Google Docs are independent of each other. This change has no effect." I'm suspecting that the author of the comment means Google Drive here, not Google Docs, and that the method above may no longer work.