Google-drive – How to copy a shared folder into the own Google Drive


It seems like the Make a Copy option only works for individual files (not for folders).

When somebody shares a folder with me on Google Drive, how can I make a copy of that folder in my own Google Drive account?

Best Answer

You can get all your data copy to your drive by using Google Colab.
Just follow the simple steps to get that.

  1. On your drive, create a shortcut to the shared folder
  2. Open
  3. Create new Notebook
  4. Mount your google drive by doing the following:
from google.colab import drive
  1. First right click on the shared folder, click 'Add Shortcut to Drive' to create a symlink of the folder to your drive. You can delete this afterwards.
  2. Type:
%cd /gdrive/MyDrive/<path to the link added in step 5>
  1. Type pwd to check the current path. It should start like this /gdrive/.shortcut-targets-by-id/<unique-id>/yoursharedfoldernameetc.
    Copy this path.
  2. Run this:
!cp -r 'above-copy-path/.' '/gdrive/My Drive/destinantion-path'

And there you go. It will start copying all shared folder content to your destination folder.