Google-drive – How to copy image from Google Presentation to local application


I'm trying to copy images from a Google Presentation to a LibreOffice Impress file, but having no luck. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Did you try grabbing the URL via the Network panel in developer tools? I was able to get the URLs for images I needed by:

  1. Opening Developer Tools in Chrome (Cmd+Opt+I)
  2. Selecting the "Network" tab (you may need to refresh the presentation)
  3. Clicking the little "filter" icon (the third icon from the top left)
  4. Clicking "Images" to show only images
  5. Clicking "Preview" to make sure you have the correct image
  6. Right-click the URL from the preview panel content area and choose to "Open in New Tab"
  7. In the new tab, right-click the image and save it

Example: enter image description here